Proisle Publishing Services LLC

Publishing for Everyone
contact usOUR services

Are you an author seeking to expand your readership and elevate your book to new heights? Whether you're a novice writer or an established author, we are here to assist you in achieving your goals.

Our team of seasoned marketers specializes in empowering authors like you to effectively promote their works to a broader audience. We provide a diverse range of services aimed at boosting book sales and establishing a strong brand presence:

Book Promotion: We craft personalized marketing strategies tailored to your book and target readership. Through targeted advertising, book reviews, and other promotional tactics, we help you connect with new audiences.

Author Branding: We assist you in building a compelling author brand by developing a professional website, establishing engaging social media profiles, and creating other branding materials that highlight your work and expertise.

Book Launch Support: During your book launch, we provide comprehensive support to ensure your book receives the recognition it deserves. From planning launch events to coordinating with bookstores and retailers, we generate excitement and buzz around your book.

Sales and Marketing Training: Our aim is to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to become a successful author marketer. We offer training in leveraging social media, email marketing, and other effective strategies to enhance book sales and expand your readership.

Ultimately, our mission is to help you flourish as an author. We are passionate about literature and firmly believe that every author's story deserves to be shared. Don't delay any longer – let us help you seize the opportunity to captivate a wider audience and take your book to new heights today.

Need an extra push to market your book or get a new idea off the ground?

Let our team help you with your goals.

Marketing and Publishing Services for Professional Authors and Aspiring Writers

Author Reviews

We are very grateful that we know you, that we have the privilege to do business together and that we have you in our corner. Thank you!

Robert T.

I absolutely love my new website! It is so beautiful and it’s exactly what I really envision. Thank you so much!

Lawrence D.

I really love my new published book. The copy is so amazing it looks really professional and I really like it. Thank you so much team, I really appreciate all your efforts and hard works.

Mary Ann W.

The staff are so accommodating, honest and hardworking. They answer my questions and concern quickly and they work so fast. I recommend Proisle Publishing to all the authors out there who would like to publish and market their book!

Robert T.

I would like to thank you and your team, for the wonderful work you all have done to publish and market my book. The website, the cover design, everything is very good!

James M.

Why Work With Us?

You’ll choose us as a partner in the task of publishing and marketing your book for the following reasons:

  • We will let you keep the reins.

Your book, your plan, your final say. However, we will make sure that you are guided with our professionals every step of the way.

  • We do not discriminate.

Whatever type of literature (fiction, non-fiction, children’s book, memoir, poetry collection) you have, we will help you with it. We understand that you have invested your precious time in finishing your piece. For that, our highest respect.

  • We will serve you with transparency.

You will always be updated of your publishing timeline and keep posted of the progress of your maketing plan.